A Journey into the world of forests
A Journey into the world of forests is a collection of instructional videos to process forest landscape photographs with a particular fantasy and painterly feeling I developed over the years. After many years I spent shooting forests and streams I decided to build a collection of videos focused on this particular genre of photography that I particularly love. The masterclass will talk about inspiration, and processing forest scenes to render them with a special fantasy and painterly style.
The masterclass is composed of 6 Videos plus an introduction in which I explain from start to finish the process of the images for a duration of about 6 hours. The process explained is characterized by a strong artistic component where a certain amount of manual work is needed. Once acquired, the necessary skill can grant you the ability to develop your own unique pictures.
The Software used in the videos is Adobe Photoshop CC2023, Adobe Bridge, ACR, Nik Collection, Topaz Suite, and Tony Kuyper TK7 Panel.
IS NOT NEEDED THE LAST VERSION OF PHOTOSHOP The Oldest compatible version is Photoshop CC ( release 2013), TK Panel is not mandatory any panel that is creating luminosity masks is sufficient. Topaz suite is an option
NIK Collection is required
NB For MAC Users using Safari, to download the videos you need to install Chrome
The techniques used and explained are the following:
Compositing Basics
Manual Blending
Color Grading
Color Dodge
Artificial Light Creation
Improving Mood and Atmosphere
Dodge and Burn
Use of Luminosity Masks
During the process, I will show how to apply various effects that I personally experimented over the years and that are now part of my workflow including Soft Glow Effects, Glowing Lights, darkening, Light Diffusion, light creation, etc
Start to Finish of the following Images
King Sun
The complete development of the Shot King Sun will guide you through to various techniques including, Manual Blending, Color Grading, Color Dodge, Creating a perfect Sunstar with your camera, and how to blend it. various effects including Light Diffusion, Light Creation, Orton Effect, and Glowing Lights.
Before After
Untrodden Path
The complete development of Untrodden Path will guide you through various techniques including Color Grading, Burn and Dodge Color Dodge, and a wide range of creative effects, including Soft Glow, Light Creation, Light Diffusion, and Darkening my special Autumn Mood Explained in detail
Before After
Return to Woodland Realm
The Complete development of Return to Woodland Realm will guide you through to various techniques including Manual Blending Color Grading Burn and Dodge Color Dodge and a wide range of effects including Soft Glow, Light Diffusion, Darkening Glowing Lights, Lights Creation, and Darkening.
Before After
Gate to Woodland Realm
The complete development of Gate to Woodland Realm will guide you through various techniques including Compositing Basics, Creative Blending Color Dodge Softglow Effect and Light Diffusion
Before After
The Forgotten King
The complete development of The Forgotten King will guide you through various techniques including Color Grading, Color Dodge, Soft glow Effect, Warping, Light creation, and light diffusion
Before After
Emerald Flames
The complete development of Emerald Flames will guide you through various techniques including Color Grading, Color Dodge, and Soft glow Effect, Darkening
Before After
Once the video has been purchased for the digital nature of the content cannot be refunded.
For any technical issues or in case of problems in downloading the files please contact me info@enricofossati.it